
Showing posts from August, 2022

Sept 1st, 2022: Wisdom in Leadership

Aug 31st, 2022: Homelessness

Aug 30th, 2022: Be Wise and Don't Insult Others

Aug 29th, 2022: Forgive One Another...

Aug 28th, 2022: Unwise Decisions

Aug 27th, 2020: Journeying...

Aug 26th, 2022: The Meaning of Having Faith

Aug 25th, 2022: Destroying God's Gifts

Aug 24th, 2022: Be Aware of The Trap

Aug 23rd, 2022: The Nature of Light

Aug 22nd, 2022: Life is a Game of Chess?

Aug 21st, 2022: Dancing with God

Aug 20th, 2022: Guilding Light in Darkness

Aug 19th, 2022: Moments of Pondering

Aug 18th, 2022: Despair

Aug 17th, 2022: PEACE...

Aug 16th, 2022: Spiritual Warfare