Aug 17th, 2022: PEACE...

We say "Hello" as we greet one another.

Yet when we are busy, we cannot be bothered.

Greetings are supposed to be used to affirm our relationships.

Now it is more of an expression of superficial friendship.

In Hebrew, it is Shalom.

It means peace, and with that, we feel welcome.

Peace exists between us.

It bonds us together in oneness.

Peace controls our minds, guides our hearts, and embraces our spirit.

The world won't understand that peace even though it is aware of it.

Peace erases our hostility towards God and His people.

We slowly discover the meaning of forgiveness; we are spiritually feeble.

Peace helps us overcome our anxiousness.

We are protected as we become more aware of our sinful mess.

So let us rest in that peace as we walk together.

Life is a gift, so we should gather.

"Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you. Not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid." -John 14: 27


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