Aug 20th, 2022: Guilding Light in Darkness
There is much on my mind while waiting for my flight.
We certainly know how to screw things up because of our selfishness and pride.
A man killed his ex-wife's boyfriend because of desperation.
His children learned about his plan from him on the way to their grandparents' location.
Another man treats his wife like a servant while proudly serving God.
She has absolutely nothing meaningful to say except to be his lightning rod.
A young man is trying hard to find ways to beat his addiction.
His wife is exasperated because of his inability to face his condition.
A grieving young fellow seems to go deeper into depression while dealing with his mother's death.
He blames his father and the rest of the world for his unresolved sadness.
My flight is late, and that works out well for me.
I pray that God opens my eyes so I might see.
I don't desire to learn the wisdom of this world.
I long to understand more the true meaning of His words.
"Your word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path." - Psalm 119: 105