Aug 16th, 2022: Spiritual Warfare

Health authorities in many parts of Canada have issued warnings about heat stroke. Here is what we get from Alberta Health Services:

Signs of heat stroke:

  • high body temperature
  • no sweat
  • disorientation, fainting, or unconsciousness 

How can we discern the signs of spiritual corruption stroke?

  • intense anger towards the self and others; have a deep sense of hopelessness
  • complete indifference in our action and choices
  • confusion, lack of clarity, being unaware of consequences, dealing with undesirable voices

How do we deal with physical stroke?

  • move to a cool space
  • remove the outer layer of clothes 
  • wrap in a cool wet towel
  • DO NOT give fluids

How do we deal with spiritual stroke (warfare)?

  • seek refuge in God's presence
  • remove layers of pretension, lies, and deception
  • ask to be covered by the power and the presence of God's spirit
  • do not trust our own lies.

As the world is experiencing a global heat wave, it is facing a global spiritual battle. It is the battle that we cannot win on our own.

"For though we walk in the flesh, we are not waging war according to the flesh." - 2 Corinthians 10: 3

"The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy. I came that they may have life and have it abundantly." - John 10: 10


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