Aug 19th, 2022: Moments of Pondering
I have heard and watched many news pieces about the WEF entity.
Some call them globalists as we enter the new era of uncanny coordination apparently.
I might be accused of being a conspiracy theory follower.
I just follow what I can see and read to discern further.
We are dealing with the new thought that our freedom should be curbed.
Liberty will be a thing of the perturbed.
Privacy and personal information will not be sacred.
Our human minds and human spirits are gradually sedated.
Control will be the new tenet of the globalist religion.
Its sacrifices will be human dignity, and we head towards a moral collision.
Protecting the environment is their mantra.
Caring for the poor is not even on their radar.
"Oh, Science, which art in heaven, shallowness be your Fame. Your domain come. Your ambitions are done in earth, as it is according to your unbelief. Give us this day our daily energy allowance. You won't forgive us in our attempts to be free, as we forgive others who attempt to berate us. And you lead us into hibernation and won't deliver us from our upheaval. For you are the self-proclaimed solution, the power of deception, and the well crafted manipulation. Forever and ever. Amen."
(Please read the Lord's Prayer)