June 17th, 2024: Joy and Suffering
Joy and suffering coexist to remind us that we live in a world corrupted by sin. We don't create joy; we receive it by believing that regardless of what happens to us, we still hear "you are my beloved" from God. We cause suffering for one another and ourselves. We don't choose suffering; we suffer.
How are we going to be at peace when suffering happens? We define the value of our lives by our circumstances. God instills that meaning when we receive Jesus's love. In the end, we belong to God because He created us from the beginning.
I have been praying that God continues to enlarge my capacity, even though I have not been able to run around as I used to. Prayer is now a conversation that happens whenever I have a still and awake moment. Maybe, I even pray when I am not awake. It is a prayer for God's protection for the world that He created. In that world, God has given us many to love and care for.
Psalm 16:11
"You make known to me the path of life; in your presence there is fullness of joy; at your right hand are pleasures forevermore."