March 8th, 2024: Do We Know What Anything Means?
Somehow, people are easily offended these days. People get hurt when others disagree with them. People feel judged when others have different opinions. People don't feel well because they think they are unwell.
Maybe when we don't have a well-defined moral framework, we cannot do anything right; we don't know what the right feeling is, we have no clue how we can exercise right judgment, and finally, we have no idea what being right means.
We end up using many words to describe nothing. We say we want to fight for justice and yet we act unjustly. We say we want to be free only to discover deep-rooted slavery. We join protests because it is the cool thing to do. We deprive our minds of meaning in the meaninglessness of social media.
With all of this happening, we are still easily offended.
1 Corinthians 14–16: “God Is Not the Author of Confusion, but of Peace”