Feb 7th, 2024: No Shame in Deception
Cryptocurrency has sparked discussions among individuals seeking both the safest and most lucrative investment options for their hard-earned money. Some express growing skepticism toward traditional corporate banking, citing concerns about unfair treatment and lack of respect for clients. Advocates of cryptocurrencies emphasize the freedom they offer from conventional banking control. However, there is still skepticism among many who do not fully comprehend how cryptocurrencies operate.
Effective financial management is our responsibility for responsible stewardship. Temptations for quick gains and the prevalence of deceitful schemes can lead individuals astray. Personal experiences, like my encounter with a bank officer providing misinformation about RRSP investments for my wife, highlight the potential pitfalls in financial guidance. This raises concerns about the frequency of such incidents for unsuspecting customers.
The acceptance of lying appears to be on the rise in our time, where being right is sometimes seen as justifying wrong actions. Exploiting others carries no shame, and there seems to be a lack of fear regarding the eternal consequences of aligning with unethical practices. When morality is shaped solely by human understanding, detached from considerations of good and evil, self-deception becomes a significant risk.
"The plans of the righteous are just, but the advice of the wicked is deceitful." - Proverbs 12:5