Feb 5th, 2024: We Have Had Enough
Enough is enough. If people want their rights to express their sexual identity, that should be done in the context of respecting parents' rights to raise their children. Abuse has many faces. Not all choices should be made available to children. We need to give them time to develop and mature. It is not abuse when we acknowledge that our kids are not ready and equipped to make certain decisions about their lives. The decision to leave them alone without guidance and help might be the worst form of abuse.
We have a grandson, and he is at the age now where he loves to put things in his mouth. The option is clear: no small toys or objects should be available within his surroundings. He has no understanding of the danger. He will want to play with small objects because of his own curiosity. Curiosity is good when we can discern what we and how we feel. Curiosity is deadly when we are unaware of what we are dealing with.
Maybe our society doesn't believe in saying no anymore. Perhaps that is why immoral people are elected. Lawlessness and the lack of self-restraint are dominant. The perceptions of one's rights have trumped the sacrifices of one's responsibilities towards society as a whole. The day we can only see ourselves in the scope of life, we will encounter death without knowing.
"For if anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself." - Galatians 6:3