Feb 26th, 2024: Unmasking Evil

When we were kids, we thought that it would be fun to cause troubles for our teachers. We created our own kinds of problems for them in class, and we thought it would be amusing to watch them struggle. Much of that had to do with our immaturity and rebellious nature. Orders seemed undesirable to us. We would take any chance to protest anything so we could skip school.

Everything is up for grabs in our society now. Boys don't want to be boys. Girls don't want to be girls. Sometimes they don't even know what they want. They cannot even give a definition for different genders without contradicting themselves. Overlooking the needed time for a person to mature enough to make meaningful choices for their life is the most naive and irresponsible behavior. How are we going to deal with parents who are neglecting their responsibility in caring for their kids physically, emotionally, and spiritually?

Sometimes we have the sense that our politicians are like us when we were in grade school and junior high. They would do anything to disrupt the established orders. They put everything in question without any discernment of the long-term consequences. They do these things because they want to assert that they are in control of our agenda and our destiny. They are deadly wrong.

They look at the past and assume that many of us still live back there. That is insulting. They think they need to erase the past so we can be better people. Christians consider the past so we might understand God's actions among His people. God will take care of our past if we are willing to receive His forgiveness. We don't look at the past and feel condemned. We look back with God's mercy so we can anticipate the future.

Ephesians 5:11-12 - " Have nothing to do with the fruitless deeds of darkness, but rather expose them. It is shameful even to mention what the disobedient do in secret."

Isaiah 5:20 - "Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter."

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