Feb 17th, 2025: An Empty Vessel
I recently had a conversation with a friend about how our Prime Minister has been behaving lately. His speech and mannerisms don't show any signs of leadership. They actually reveal a man who lives in the malaise of his own self-absorption. Some might even consider the possibility of him being under the influence of substances.
The word my friend used to describe him is an "empty vessel." He has shown signs of being a man of no depth, no integrity, and no substance. He has no regard for the truth and no respect for common decency. He lies so much that his own version of truth escapes our common sense.
An empty vessel will be filled with filthy substance if it has no regard for God and godliness. It offers no hope and no depth in moral awareness. An empty vessel can be cleansed so that it can be filled with God's Spirit, and that is what I am praying for. Otherwise, our nation will have no hope.
"The wicked in his proud countenance does not seek God;
God is in none of his thoughts." - Psalm 10:4
"Then the LORD saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every intent of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually." - Genesis 6:5