Feb 16th, 2024: Intensity and Self- Control
There was an incident on the sideline of the Kansas City Chiefs during the Super Bowl when Kelce, a star player, attempted to persuade the coach to play him more. He grabbed the Head Coach's arms and became very intense, requiring another player to intervene.
Professional sports is a serious business. Besides skills, commitment, and the desire to play, athletes need to be smart and aware of potential pitfalls. Their careers can quickly falter otherwise.
Could Kelce have behaved better? Absolutely. He should recognize that many kids idolize him and that his actions, both on and off the field, carry significant influence. While his intensity may be understandable given his team's performance, there are more appropriate ways to address his concerns.
Sometimes why would Christians ask God to place them in more challenging environments? Being a beacon of light in darkness requires unwavering commitment and deep rooted self control. Being exposed to diverse perspectives could enhance our effectiveness in sharing our faith by understanding how others live and think.
"But everything exposed by the light becomes visible-and everything that is illuminated becomes a light. This is why it is said: "Wake up, sleeper, rise from the dead, and Christ will shine on you." - Ephesians 5:13-14