Jan 8th, 2024; Awake Not Woke


My wife and I always find it amusing how a particular Chinese takeout restaurant consistently serves us with varying portion sizes – they tend to include around 30% more food when I place the order. We playfully refer to it as 'racial profiling' and take turns ordering, depending on our hunger levels.

I believe our inclinations often lean towards maintaining comfortable relationships rather than our actions. The individuals behind the counter have gotten to know me over the years, to the point where I no longer need to place an order. Instead, I engage in conversations, asking about their lives and families.

I've had enriching conversations with Uber drivers by showing interest in their personal histories and backgrounds. Recently, I spoke with a retired research scientist from McGill University in Montreal, now driving for Uber to stay active. Learning about his research interests made the ride in his Tesla quite wonderful.

When we live with the intention of honoring our relationships, it's crucial to be attuned and welcoming to others. Being spiritually awakened allows us to recognize everyone as special in God's eyes. It's through this awakening that God helps us see His presence in others.

"Do nothing from selfish ambition or conceit, but in humility regard others as better than yourselves. Let each of you look not to your own interests, but to the interests of others." - Philippians 2:3-4

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