Jan 3rd, 2024: Expiration Dates

As a society, we're surrounded by expiration dates, from food labels to the constraints of airline vouchers and the perceived absence of usefulness in our professional? careers.

The truth is, everyone has their own expiration date, uncertain as to when or how it will unfold. We strive for better health through exercise, diets, stress reduction techniques like yoga, and discussions about quality of life.

Embracing a Christian life means anticipating an eternal existence beyond this earthly one's expiration. It's about recognizing God's enduring love, transcending limitations and expanding our understanding of a fulfilling life. By inspiring others, we leave memories that never truly expires.

"When your days are over and you go to be with your ancestors, I will raise up your offspring to succeed you, one of your own sons, and I will establish his kingdom." - 1 Chronicles 17:11

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