Jan 24th, 2024: Real Power
Many years ago, I attended a student mission conference where a powerful movement of reconciliation unfolded. The Holy Spirit seemed to guide our worship as Christian students from diverse corners of the world reached out to one another. The call for reconciliation occurred.
We witnessed Christians in South Africa from different racial backgrounds joined in prayer, fostering unity. We prayed with Japanese Christian students sought forgiveness from their Korean counterparts for historical injustices, resulting in days of prayerful worship. Indeed, God's Spirit was leading us. We didn't plan for that.
Recently, a pastor friend returned from Eastern Europe, excited to share with me about a reconciliation service between Ukrainian and Russian Christians in Estonia. He emphasized the undeniable presence of God in moments of forgiveness. Once again, God's Spirit could be felt.
Reflecting on these experiences, we should return to the fundamentals of Christianity. Jesus came into the world with a mission of forgiveness and restoration for humanity. Amid distractions, the real power lies in forgiveness, and true humility is found in receiving forgiveness.
"There is neither Jew nor Gentile, neither slave nor free, nor is there male and female, for you are all one in Christ Jesus." - Galatians 3: 28