Jan 10th, 2023: The Lack of Common Sense

Proverbs 10:21 - “The words of the godly encourage many, but fools are destroyed by their lack of common sense.”

Is it sensible to allow men to compete in women's sports, undermining the progress made to provide equal opportunities for women in sports that were once exclusive to men?

Is it wise to juggle multiple personal identities? How can we truly ascertain the authenticity of our interactions? Moreover, the impact on relationships, including marriages, raises serious concerns.

Is it prudent to let children determine their sexual gender? Does this decision-making overlook the vital role of responsible and nurturing parents in guiding their children's development?

Is it reasonable to assist individuals with addiction without a comprehensive plan to address the underlying condition, especially when the eventual outcome is often tragic?

Is it logical to focus on environmental issues without tackling the root causes like unchecked greed and selfishness, which are the true culprits harming the earth? Addressing these deeper issues is essential beyond singularly focusing on oil and gas.

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