Dec 2nd, 2023: Challenging Conversations

Challenging conversations persist in marriages, workplaces, families, and all human relationships, underscoring our inherent vulnerabilities. At times, we struggle to connect because doing so may necessitate confronting our personal issues. What then happens?

We often opt to evade these discussions, leading to a cascade of dysfunctional behaviors. We resort to deceit, and when deception falls short, we resort to blaming and shaming to skirt the truth.

We choose to feign normalcy, which in itself is a form of deception. Ignoring reality can sometimes exacerbate the underlying issues, especially when we lose sight of our own falsehoods.

"The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing." Proverbs 12:18

While this topic may be uncomfortable to address, the absence of meaningful conversations in relationships can breed profound feelings of isolation and eventually lead to depression.

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