Dec 26th 2023: New Perspectives of Boxing Day
Boxing Day is traditionally known as a day for shopping deals, starting at midnight on Christmas Day and lasting the entire following day. It is a day of madness.
Let us consider some fresh perspectives for Boxing Day. Here are some new ideas:
1. Transforming it into a day dedicated to boxing up and discarding undesirable attitudes, prompting us to consider the size of the 'box' needed for this personal growth.
2. Using the day to pack and move away from our old selves, symbolizing a transition towards embracing a new identity in God and freedom.
3. Reflecting on the concept of 'breaking out of the box' by allowing ourselves to seek a new life with guidance from God, transcending self-imposed limitations and finding relief from personal struggles.
4. Shifting the focus to boxing our gifts and sharing them with friends and loved ones, acknowledging the blessings in our lives and offering these gifts as acts of service to others.
"There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work." - 1 Corinthians 12:5-6