Dec 20th 2023: Addicted to God
During the holidays, alcohol consumption becomes a significant concern for many individuals. Not everyone can balance enjoying drinks while socializing, especially considering the increased police presence at checkpoints during this time. Various organizations urge people to exercise responsible drinking.
Addiction often becomes a means for individuals to evade confronting their personal relationship issues. They believe that drowning themselves in alcohol helps them forget these problems.
Addiction can also serve as a way to prolong denial. Admitting to past mistakes seems too overwhelming, leading some to pretend they never occurred.
Furthermore, addiction can mask a lack of personal discipline. Some prioritize indulgence over self-control, impacting their ability to make wise choices.
Contrastingly, the Christmas narratives about Jesus illustrate the impact of being 'addicted' to God rather than to fear, self-absorption, or pride. Jesus' life embodies both discipline and freedom, serving as a testament to meaningful balance and eternal purpose.
Isaiah 42:1,4: “Here is my servant, whom I uphold, my chosen one in whom I delight; I will put my Spirit on him and he will bring justice to the nations . . . He will not falter or be discouraged till he establishes justice on earth…”