Oct 20th, 2023: More On Storytelling
A few more thoughts on storytelling as we continue to explore the art of communication in human relationships. Storytelling can be seen as a cornerstone of community building.
1. Establishing Empathy: We first establish empathy through stories. They help people understand different perspectives, promoting empathy and grace.
2. Entertainment Form: It is a form of entertainment. Stories offer enjoyment and an escape from daily life.
3. A Way of Teaching and Learning: Stories are valuable educational tools, aiding in the learning process by making subjects more interesting and memorable.
4. Conflict Resolution: Stories can be used to resolve conflicts and build bridges by sharing personal experiences and finding common ground.
Now we know why storytelling is helpful in sharing our faith with others.
Matthew 13:34
"All these things Jesus said to the crowds in parables; indeed, he said nothing to them without a parable."