Oct 11th, 2023: Simple and Meaningful Connections
I prefer to stay at the same hotel whenever I frequently visit a particular location. It provides a sense of comfort and convenience when the staff is familiar with me and my preferences. I typically just inform the manager that I need a room for the night, and there are no further questions asked.
Embracing people into our lives and building fellowship is a spiritual gift. When we extend hospitality, it can sometimes lead to healing and restoration. Sharing the narrative of salvation often requires a meaningful connection, making the medium itself a part of the message.
During my stays at various hotels, I've had the chance to hear many life stories from the hotel staff. One recent story that stood out to me was about a mother's concern for her teenage son. She mentioned that he had lost his way after reaching grade 10 and was struggling academically. He frequently skipped classes and stayed home to play video games. She felt that all her sacrifices as a Filipino immigrant worker were in vain.
I offered to talk to her son, but he hasn't accepted the offer yet. We'll patiently wait for the right moment.
“For even the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many.” - Mark 10:45