Aug 30th, 2023: Living Without God
A mother was traveling with her toddler and young child, having recently moved due to her husband's sudden passing. She's facing the challenge of holding her family together during this tough period. The 3-year-old toddler is struggling with grief and keeps asking for her dad.
To help distract the toddler while her mother tended to her brother, I decided to use my paper toy trick, which usually works like a charm. We crafted airplanes and boats, and eventually, she wanted to draw, so we did just that. The mother appreciated the break and left us alone to engage in these activities.
Sometimes, in our pursuit of an independent life without God, we end up feeling like spiritual orphans. We may seek God's presence even when we think we're trying to be self-sufficient. We often experience confusion about our desires and direction in life.
I empathize with the 3-year-old daughter and hope that my presence brought her some comfort. Even in moments of rebellion, it seems that God continues to reach out through special people and meaningful experiences to remind us of His caring presence.
The mother inquired about whether I have grandkids, and I shared pictures of my first and only grandson with her. It's interesting how her question became a way for God to show his care, especially when I've been missing my grandson since being away.
"Defend the weak and the fatherless; uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed." - Psalm 82:3