Aug 29th, 2023: Some Thoughts from a Walk
A nice hot day in Southern California. I realized I am not used to the crowdedness anymore. Some folks told me that the weather is a good redemption for that. For me, having access to the ocean is attractive. Having an abundance of options when it comes to Vietnamese cuisine is another.
I took an early morning walk today as I reflected over many conversations I have had with many people during this trip. I am so convinced that God is alive and active, whether you know it or not.
His grace can be seen in how a wife takes care of her sick husband. Her sacrificial love for him shows me God's commitment to His people. We are always the sick ones.
His righteousness is revealed in how a mother desires to raise her kids with the knowledge of who He is. Her concern is about the kind of ungodly materials her children have been exposed to in the public system.
God is faithful despite our ignorance and unawareness. His faithfulness in the lives of people I know is overwhelming. I can appreciate His beauty in their lives.
I will go for a good bowl of "phở" today.
Deuteronomy 32:4 - "He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he."