July 3rd, 2023: Peace Maker

"Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God." - Matthew 5:9

The pursuit of peace begins with our relationship with God. It becomes challenging to genuinely care for others while constantly at odds with God. This is why many individuals feel compelled to fight for their rights, as the absence of peace between humanity and God leads to a sense of turmoil in the world.

A peacemaker possesses an understanding of the nature of sin, recognizing its role in causing much of the discord in human life. When dealing with individuals who have been harmed, it requires immense compassion and patience. A peacemaker remains cognizant of the effects and consequences of sin.

The act of making peace involves a deep desire to witness others seeking restoration and forgiveness through a connection with God. A peacemaker does not resort to judgment and condemnation, but instead demonstrates remarkable strength and wisdom in their approach to fostering harmony.

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