June 5th, 2023: Unjust Leaders and Their Influence
"By justice, a king gives a country stability, but those who are greedy for bribes tear it down."- Proverbs 29: 4
Stability brings hope. We are going through a time when there is little hope. Divisions exist among nations, and we live in a morally broken world. There is no common language for the well-being of humanity.
Many people cry out for justice, and we still don't have a clear understanding of morality. Can justice exist independently from morality? If it can, what is our definition of being just? If it can't, why don't we hear and see more about our need for a set of morality?
Morality should not be relative to the human condition, comfort, and expectations. It has to be completely free from the bias of human experience. In brief, we cannot be the author of morality. Now we understand why we live in such chaos and confusion. We need something to provide order stability. We don't have any clue how to get there.
We in Canada are very aware of what an unjust Prime Minister can do to the moral well-being of our nation. Our moral fabric is being torn down piece by piece.