June 28th, 2023: Blessed Are Those Who Mourn
"Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted." - Matthew 5:4
Mourning over our sinful and broken selves: It is a profound realization that we have lost our innocence due to the presence of sin. We feel deep sorrow for the actions we have committed and the opportunities we have missed. We mourn over our inclination to prioritize self-protection over positively impacting the world. We recognize the potential that God has entrusted to us and regret the ways in which we have fallen short.
Mourning over the unrighteousness of the world: It is disheartening to witness the increasing acceptance of behaviors that are morally objectionable. For instance, we observe incidents where individuals openly exposed themselves during Pride parades in the presence of children and women. In the past, such acts would have been legally condemned as indecent exposure. Now, the concepts of progress, diversity, and pride are sometimes misused to justify these actions. While humanity has achieved many remarkable accomplishments, these particular instances do not serve as reasons for pride.
Mourning over the culture of death: Our society seems to embrace a troubling inclination towards the devaluation of life. We mourn over the direction in which we are heading, potentially leading to the ultimate extinction of humanity. This culture masks the sinful condition of humanity behind different terms, such as referring to abortion as a choice instead of acknowledging the termination of a life, using phrases like assisted suicide instead of recognizing the gravity of ending a person's life, or labeling sexual exploitation as adult entertainment. For a more in-depth exploration of this topic, I encourage you to watch the video clip provided.