June 16th, 2023: Free Choice
Sometimes, we often find ourselves overly fixated on the distant future, which can leave us feeling uncertain about how to navigate the present. However, it is crucial to remember that the future is shaped by the decisions and choices we make today.
Claiming that we have no choices is essentially a self-deception. The freedom of choice is inherent in the divine design for humanity. It is through this freedom that we learn to value and worship our higher power.
In our world, there is a clear distinction between good and evil; it is not a matter of relativity. While we may choose to embrace the illusion of relative morality, our actions will ultimately lead to our own downfall, and we will yearn for justice.
Accountability is impossible without the existence of free choice. When we make decisions, we must also accept the responsibility that comes with them. The privilege of free choice carries significant weight.
If free choice were to be eliminated, our existence would lose its meaning. Engaging in meaningful conversations about our diverse choices can enhance the beauty of life if approached with grace and compassion.
"Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with that person, and they with me."- Revelation 3:20