June 15th, 2023: Purposeful Life

1 John 2:6

"The one who says he abides in Him ought himself to walk even as He walkes ⁹

How do we determine if our lives have a meaningful impact on the world? Numerous authors have penned books exploring the concept of being purposeful individuals. Many individuals embark on their journeys with meaningful aspirations, only to find themselves succumbing to the corrupting influence of worldly power.

We genuinely make a difference when we confront challenges with sincerity and integrity. There are influential forces in this world that endeavor to weaken our faith and?label us as obsolete. Regrettably, churches have often failed to make a significant impact because we have surrendered ourselves to the ways of the world.

Our pursuit of theological knowledge should not solely aim to comprehend God and ourselves; rather, it should be driven by a desire to understand how God manifests through our lives within the world. This pursuit is not about seeking power to dominate, but rather about unraveling the depths of love and embracing surrender.

By embracing the path of the cross, we commit ourselves to living a life of service to others. Fully experiencing life entails selflessly dedicating ourselves to the welfare of those around us. Furthermore, prioritizing a connection with God entails recognizing the divine presence in others.

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