May 31st, 2023: Mentoring


Many young men don't have mentors today. We see that fact is within and outside the church. Many people have no idea who is walking with them through the ups and downs of life. They might not have the privilege of having fathers who nurture them either.

The business world has been addressing the need for mentoring for some time. Many people have written books about it. What needs to happen so that mentoring can take place?

It is a personal decision for both mentors and mentees. One has to decide to learn from someone, and the other has to be willing to take another under his (or her) wings. Both decisions will take time and effort. They also require some honesty and vulnerability.

It is a commitment. We cannot mentor someone half-heartedly. It is a personal investment in someone else's life. A mentor should be able to help his mentee to discover her (his) calling in life. It is the beginning of making a difference.

It is a lesson in humility. Sometimes a mentee can go further in their calling than his (or her) mentor can. It is about removing oneself from the center while mentoring others. Life is far more beautiful when we can do that.

"The things which you have heard from me in the presence of many witnesses, entrust these to faithful men who will be able to teach others also." - 2 Timothy 2: 2

"A wise man will hear and increase in learning,

And a man of understanding will acquire wise counsel." - Proverbs 1: 5

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