May 29th, 2023: Loss of Innocence

We watch young children at one of our historic parks, and are sad by what we see. Their facial expressions don't display much joy in life. Innocence seems to be absent. What happens to our kids? Some people talk about the impact of COVID-19. Others talk about the consequences of technology. Some mention the absence of a credible education curriculum that children need.

COVID-19 has had significant impact on the mental health of children and teenagers. Isolation and the absence of human interaction are not normal for children. Some don't know how to play with others anymore. Cell phones might appear to provide the connection they need. However, the abusive use of cell phones also forms painful alienation for some kids.

Our educational system claims that it has given our children the freedom they need to have their own identity. The opposite is true. They hardly have any time to be kids. Their mental development is not ready for them to make some of the decisions we expect them to make about their lives. Anger and confusion seem to be evident. A young person cannot smoke or drink until 18, but he (she) can choose his (her) sexuality much earlier.

Some of us were worried about COVID and how it might impact the human race. I am not sure its damage to our world is anything compared to what is happening with the pandemic of confused identity that many kids have to endure these days. We have taken God out of our way of life and the parental responsibilities out of raising kids. We should not worry about invasions from other nations. We are certainly capable of extinguishing all of our life privileges if we keep going in this direction.

"Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these."" - Matthew 19: 14

"See to it that no one takes you captive through hollow and deceptive philosophy, which depends on human tradition and the elemental spiritual forces of this world rather than on Christ." - Colossians 2: 8



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