May 28th, 2023: Structural Evil


Can culture be corrupted? The answer is yes. It is part of the structural evil that we have encountered in this world. Nations, cultures, and other human organisms are vulnerable to sin. Sin is not just personal or individual endeavors. So what happens when structural evils take place?

Relationships are destroyed or compromised. People become distrustful of their leaders. Skepticism and cynicism dominate our interactions and behaviors. Suddenly we see more laws passed so governments can control their people. Immoral governments will find wicked ways to introduce more legislations to restrict their people's freedom. That is how power will damage any relationship.

We can also see the impact of structural sins inside our hearts. Cyniscism will introduce death into our interior life. Death of hope is a part of social malaise. We don't have to go far to see that reality after many forms of COVID restrictions. The lack of accountability has made a joke out of honesty and decency. What remains is the despair within our human psyche.

"When a nation fails to call on God for help, it will listen to the counsel of the wicked. When a nation sins, it will have one ruler after another. But a nation will be strong and endure when it has intelligent, sensible leaders.

 Someone in authority who oppresses poor people is like a driving rain that destroys the crops. If you have no regard for the law, you are on the side of the wicked; but if you obey it, you are against them. Evil people do not know what justice is, but those who worship the Lord understand it well." - Proverbs 28: 2-5

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