May 12th, 2023: God's Workmanship
We have heard common complaints about how workers either don't know how to work or don't care to work hard. Sometimes we feel that people expect to be paid by just showing up. The skill levels have also deteriorated, and many think that electronic devices have taken away the opportunities for young people to learn some practical skills.
Maybe our view of work has been corrupted to be the point we view works as the necessary evil. So what is work anyway?
Values of work: it is our contribution to society and our participation in what God is doing around the world. It is both our responsibility and privilege. We should look beyond the triviality of making a living when we think about work.
Work for values: it is a sign of self-respect when we commit to doing great work. It is a sign of appreciation for the talents and gifts that God has given us. Our values will be defined by our expectations of what God will do through our work.
"We are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." - Ephesians 2:10