June 1st, 2023: Enough is Enough


Maybe people begin to get sick and tired of how a minority continues to dictate where we should go in our world. I am not about discrimination against people with different views about human sexuality. However, I have the right to disagree while knowing I should acknowledge their rights. I think we approach the age of new fascism when people tell us that we should shut down and shut up if we disagree with what is going on with LBGTQ's propaganda in the world.


Target has chosen to be unwise in its decision concerning the designer of its latest lines of clothing; both for adults and kids. If LBGTQ folks want to open their stores, they can do that. Please don't push their view on us by using stores like Target. More and more people will pull back because we are sick and tired of their intention to disregard our rights. There are many views on human sexuality, and we need to accept that.


We will soon see the battle between homosexual folks and trans people because they might think their agenda has been hijacked. They both want to be at the center of the conversation concerning their "pride." We will see what happens next.


What about the Satanist personality who is the designer of these new outfits for adults and kids? What is the point? Not all trans people are Satanists. Nothing can be more confusing. The leadership of Target has lost its common sense and moral compass in its decision-making. They have shown contempt toward their clients.

"Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect." - Romans 12: 2

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