April 25th, 2023: A Deep and Simple Gesture of Love
A young daughter of some good friends offered me. Her stuffed toy bunny is a gesture of friendship. She is very attached to this little creature, so it was special for me to have her offer. She kept talking about her bunny, and she indeed has a special relationship with it.
It was a gentle gesture of love and hospitality she had for me. As I kept the bunny on my lap, she hung around and talked about her other toys. It was a profound yet simple interaction. God is good and gracious in many ways.
Maybe we should be free to offer one another the most meaningful gift we have. It will confirm the depth of our relationship and its meaning. God has given us the gift of life in Jesus. Through the presence of His Spirit, He still hangs around us to make sure we know He loves to have us with Him.
"The Lord will command His loving kindness in the daytime;
And His song will be with me in the night,
A prayer to the God of my life." - Psalm 42: 8