April 18th, 2023: Living in Denial


Living in denial is more common than we are willing to acknowledge. For example, we are not willing to deal with the medical science images of abortion when they are displayed on university campuses. We say it is offensive to women. We fail to accept the fact the truth is offensive at times. So we would rather live in a constant state of denial so we can pretend to be civilized. A form of civilization that costs many lives.

Why do we choose the passage of living denial? Here are some common observations:

We avoid talking about the problem.

We justify your behavior.

We blame other people.

We continue with the same behavior.

We insist on the right to do so.

Living in denial is making a commitment to oppose the truth. It is a form of blasphemy.

The only way we can carry on living in denial is to deny the existence of God in the end.

"So Jesus said to the Jews who had believed him, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free." - John 8: 31-32

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