March 16th, 2023: What Do You See?


The slogan is "See Something, Say Som7ething."

We learn that in protecting the safety of our being.

What should we say when we see a subtle indoctrination?

People has done it with a very well-thought-out calculation.

What should we say when we see an orchestrated plan to rob away our human rights?

Many have become deceived by its self-righteous sights.

What should we say when we feel manipulated and controlled by the powers that be?

We will be condemned for voicing our disagreement and decide not to flee.

What should we say when we don't share the contemporary understanding of human sexual identities?

We will be called names and barred from universities.

What could we say when we see a male package among the competitors in a female sports competition?

Our view will be regarded as narrow-mindedness and needs some revision.

The world has become mad in its attempts to manage diversity.

Diversity loses its frameworks without certainty.

"Put on the whole armor of God, that you may be able to stand against the schemes of the devil." - Ephesians 6: 11

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