Feb 19th, 2023: Being Fluent in Heavenly Language
To be completely fluent in another language is to be able to feel, think and interact without going through a time of translation in our head. It takes tons of practice and commitment to get there. Sometimes we start with learning how to listen. We then take the next step of being willing to speak that new language.
Why do we sometimes feel as if we cannot communicate with God? Maybe we have not allowed ourselves to identify what God feels, to think His thoughts, and to be free in our interaction with Him. Why do we have to justify ourselves in our daily interactions with Him?
We are so preoccupied with earthly concerns that we have no time for heavenly matters. We don't seem to connect with God's desire for us and the world. We have missed many messages, and we don't seem to be able to gain the needed intimacy with Him.
We live our lives with divided hearts. Our commitment to God is shallow at times. We might have all proper theologies, yet we deny His power. It is a daily exercise, so we might understand better what it means to be in His presence. We need to re-examine the conditions of our hearts so we might see Him. To be fluent in the language of heaven is to partake in God's joy and suffering for the world.
"To another the working of miracles, to another prophecy, to another the ability to distinguish between spirits, to another various kinds of tongues, to another the interpretation of tongues."
1 Corinthians 12: 10