Feb 18th, 2023: Wiping Out...


Car washing is a necessary activity during the winter.

Yet, it can also be such a futile measure.

We might have less than two hours to enjoy a clean car.

Snowy and muddy roads seem to take over by far.

We can only wish the windshield would not be covered in brown slush.

Wiping it now is a must.

We ask God for forgiveness so our shame can be cleaned.

Then we fail into the same temptation over and over again, it seems.

We carry with us the sinful lust.

It covers the true beauty, and what remains is a bust.

We continue to drive our way of life without a clear vision ahead.

Being cleansed is a daily exercise instead.

We all want to be people with vision.

It starts with the fact of being forgiven.

Romans 3: 23

"For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."

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