Jan 30th, 2023: Seek Life Not Death


The most nagging question that scientists and philosophers have been dealing with is:

"Is there intelligent life at the beginning of the world?"

The debate continues.

One comedian recently asked another question:

"Is there any sign of intelligent life on the surface of the earth?"

You can imagine the laughter that came after he cited the question. Sometimes I wonder. The most recent death of Tyre Nichols, while he was in the custody of Memphis Police, tells us that more than just intelligence is missing. What happens to human decency and human dignity?

Our misuse of power has destroyed the core of our ability to exercise righteousness and compassion. My heart aches for his family. My spirit grieves over the absence of compassion for one another and respect for life. When we purposely seek death, we will experience it at the core of our souls.

Exodus 20: 13

"You shall not murder."

2 Timothy 1: 7

"For God gave us a spirit not of fear but of power and love and self-control."

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