Dec 23rd, 2022: A Forgotten Gift
Two more sleeps, then it will be Christmas, some kids say. Sometimes I wonder about the differences in our reaction between God's showing up and Santa Claus' showing up. We, as a culture, have tried to destroy what is true and cherish what is untrue. It is disconcerting.
Santa Village is still a welcome activity in many shopping malls. We can hardly see any Nativity Scene in public places. People with children would wait in line to see Santa in December when many church buildings are empty during the rest of the year.
What would be our first thoughts this Christmas morning? Gifts from our loved ones or the gift from God? It might be time for us to unwrap the gift of life this Christmas.
"For the wages of sin is death, but the free gift of God is eternal life through Christ Jesus our Lord." - Romans 6: 23