Dec 14th, 2022: Ready for God's Surprises?

Secret Santa has been how our family gives gifts to one another at Christmas. We attempt to make things simple and to approach Christmas with less commercial influence. It is fun because it is always a surprise for all of us.

The birth of the Messiah was a surprise for many people two thousand years ago. All of the main characters in the Christmas story were surprised. Some were delighted. Some were bewildered. No one expected that Messiah would come into the world as a baby although some prophets had prophesied. There was no heavenly army. There was a threat to his life.

Sometimes we like surprises. Sometimes we don't. We prefer to have control and want things to be predictable. We might miss God's revelations if we insist on doing that. Are we ready to be delighted by God's surprises?

Isaiah 7: 14

" Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel."

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