Oct 24th, 2022: Walk with One Another and God

I love the first snow of winter.

It is somewhat romantic with fresh white scenery weather.

Have the first cup of coffee and try to postpone getting outside.

Trees are drooping with heavy wet snow, and it is warm inside.

My mind is replaying a conversation with someone whose son has been diagnosed with autism.

He wonders whether he has what it takes to overcome heart and mind schism.

Life will not be the same for him and his family.

Living with a lack of knowledge might have its own severity.

We talked about faith and love.

We might be able to learn how to love. Having faith in God is another demanding growth.

Where is God when our hearts are torn apart?

God is with us, and trust that truth is a start.

He identifies with all of our human emotions.

He is aware of our very condition.

I pray for my friend and don't fully understand what he feels.

I can be there and walk with him as God reveals.

Micah 6: 8

"He has shown you, O mortal, what is good.

And what does the Lord require of you?

To act justly and to love mercy

and to walk humbly with your God."


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