Oct 21st, 2022: Changing Season
It is time to change our tires again. The forecast calls for wet snow this weekend. It will take some time for people to adjust to a new driving condition. I was talking to a young couple from India about their first experience with hitting black ice on a highway. "We were on the road, and suddenly we were on a ditch.", the wife said.
The moral climate in Canada has changed drastically. Some people celebrate this new climate of uncertainty. Others wonder what they would do with the new slippery slope. We might think that everything will be ok only to discover that we are in the ditch of morality.
Things seem to go faster and faster with this moral climate change. No one knows what would be ahead because the fog of unrighteousness thickens. Yet, many apply their feet on the gas pedal to push forward with the hope that they might discover their newfound wonderland. Nothing has changed. Human suffering continues with different jargon and deceptive makeup.
We need to change our tires from universal indifference towards human brokenness to intentional discernment and restoration of human calamities. We should slow down and let our 'vehicle of life' get traction on where it is heading. When that happens, we have a better vision of where we want to go.
The new moral climate will be here for a while. We need to build shelters to protect our souls and our spirits. Nobility is not us having answers for our struggles. It is about embracing the presence of God and promises in these struggles. What will keep us on the roadway of righteousness is humility and consistency.
Ezekiel 25:17.
"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the iniquities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and goodwill, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness."