Sept 30th, 2022: Walking in The Dark

Walking in the dark can be an easy experience.

In a neighborhood has been dominated by criminal influence.

We are afraid of walking alone through such a neighborhood.

We would not want to stop, and every strange sound does not make us feel good.

Shop doors are covered by security bars.

Try to look ahead, but we can't see that far.

Sometimes we feel like we walk in the dark while facing what we have to face today.

Our global neighborhood is full of ungodly dismay.

Sometimes we feel as if we are a minority in the world of folly.

We fail to understand and see all of the queries.

There is no traffic light or street sign.

We are morally in a state of traumatic decline.

Parents don't feel safe sending their kids to school because of the invasion of ungodliness.

Churches have lost their sight and do not stand firm on the promise of God to fight against life's emptiness.

We are indeed a minority.

Others think that without God, they can still have moral authority.

We are indeed walking in the dark.

The world has lost its ability to discern the differences between darkness and light and their contrast.

John 3: 19

"This is the judgment, that the Light has come into the world, and men loved the darkness rather than the Light, for their deeds were evil."

Luke 1: 79

"To shine upon those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,

To guide our feet into the way of peace."


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