May 24th, 2022: Forgiveness Defines True Power

“He said to me, ‘My grace is enough for you because power is made perfect in weakness.’ So I’ll gladly spend my time bragging about my weaknesses so that Christ’s power can rest on me.”


2 Corinthians 12: 9

Many people continue to brag about how they can carry on without God. Some sincerely believe that God has no part in human destiny. They either believe that humanity is responsible for its own survival or advancement. We will continue to see propagation and leaning toward such force in the years to come as we try to grapple with the many challenges we face.

When there is no God, decisions concerning human values and worth can be problematic. Our values can be either superficial or meaningful. They can be physiological, emotional, mental, or spiritual. When a philosopher claims to believe that there is an algorithm for any one of us, he might fail to consider the spiritual algorithm. The forgiveness of God is the foundation of that spiritual algorithm.

Forgiveness alters the course of our perceived algorithm in human relationships. It takes us where we either have no desire to go or have no understanding of why we need to get there. It gives us the power to embrace our weaknesses in order to discover the true power. For more than thirty years in my work, I have learned how to appreciate that truth more and more.

So be aware! When we think we are powerful and unrepentant, we might destroy God's beauty and power within us. That is the algorithm for self-destruction.


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