April 29th, 2022: What Happens to Good Leadership?


Where are the great women and men of God these days?

We hardly see any while nations have gone astray.

Meaningful and courageous leadership hardly can be seen.

Leaders don't seem to face the truth; staying close to their talking points on their teleprompter screen.

Sometimes I fail to understand what they are talking about,

their messages are so convoluted; we have plenty of doubt.

Their attempts to be sincere make us sick to our stomachs.

They lie and cheat while thinking that we are dumb fucks.

They talk about protecting the environment while living their lavish life.

One flew across the nation to explain why he needs to raise the carbon tax; soon after, he took another flight to a first-class ski hill site.

Some demand compensation and an apology for the past mistakes of the church.

Yet, they show no honesty in dealing with the current abusiveness they act towards their own reserves.

One talked about women's equality and first nation dignity.

Then he fired his first-ever indigenous female justice minister who accused him of conducting without integrity.

Religious leaders call their flocks to support their great causes.

Then turn around to set up their personal benefit clauses.

So what happens to the great leaders of the world?

Maybe they have been all terminated in their mother's womb.

 Philippians 2:3-4


"Let no thing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Let each of you look out not only for his own interests but also for the interests of others."

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