April 27th, 2022: Thoughts About Killing


Someone asked me recently about murderers after watching some series on Netflix.

How would God see a murderer differently than a serial killer in our midst?

I am not sure what the answer is.

Killing another person is never meant to be.

The main question is why people kill.

Maybe we dehumanize another with our sheer will.

Hate has overcome us at that very moment.

We see nothing else but our desire to get even.

Some people kill out of fear and panic.

Just think about the number of babies who have not made their way through the pelvic.

Some kill because of their insecurity.

They demean others to gain their perceived superiority.

Some take the lives of others when they go through unresolved darkness in their mind.

Hopelessness and death are what they see in front and leave behind.

In my walk with others, I prefer to talk about life.

Death never means to be, so we should not abide.

We can also kill others by robbing away their dignity.

It is a slow kind of death, and we see that often in relationships within a family.

Matthew 5: 21

"You have heard that it was said to the people long ago, ‘You shall not murder, and anyone who murders will be subject to judgment.'"

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